About Me

Hello! I’m Jen, a slow business mentor, cyclical living advocate, and mother of twins based in Surrey in the UK.

I am, as you may have gathered by now, pretty big on slow, sustainable and cyclical living. This is not just something I talk about in my business, or attempt to “sell” as an aesthetic, but something I live by as a human, woman, mother, and business owner.

I love to bring people together and get them talking about things they might not usually talk about - from periods to politics!

I am all about connection - to our bodies, to our community around us, to nature.

I’m a bit of a rebel.

I didn’t like school. I didn’t like work. I didn’t like being a mother.

I love learning. I love running my business. I love my kids.

What I struggled with was the pressure, lack of support and the mainstream messaging around all of those things. It took me to my mid-30s to learn the vocabulary and the reasons pushing my pain points, and relearn what is actually true for me.

Now I love to work and chat with fellow rebels who are waking up to what is true for them, and supporting them as they realign their work with their values and natural cycles.

Professionally speaking…

I have been mentoring clients since 2018.

I began weaving menstrual cycle awareness and cyclical living into my work in 2019, and trained as a Menstruality Mentor with the incredible Red School in 2021.

I have 9 years running my own businesses under my belt, including designing and creating physical products, running two successful Kickstarters, teaching letterpress workshops to literally hundreds of people, selling online, in person and wholesale.

I’ve been facilitating the Aligned Community in its current form for 2.5 years, creating content, delivering regular workshops, and holding space for our members on the daily.

I have also worked as a copywriter, ghostwriter and subeditor so I love to help my clients with honing their message and ensuring they are doing themselves justice in their communication!

And personally…

I like to chase my kids around the park and woods.

I chase my dog too, given half the chance (we didn’t call him Dash for nothing!).

I like to swim outdoors, tend my (very wild) garden, and watch the birds.

I love to make people laugh.

I am an autumn/winter gal. I hate the heat.

Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, cake anytime.

I love to read, especially books by visionary educators on how we can reimagine and recreate our world for the better. I also love a bit of telly.

I’m a member of the Green Party, a learning abolitionist and imperfect activist.

I believe everything can get better.