Celebrating Winter Solstice

Solstices are a time to pause and reflect, preparing for the shift of energy in the next half of the year. Now, on the shortest day of the year (for the northern hemisphere), darkness has reached its peak and we can celebrate the return of warmth and light to the earth.

Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) occurs on or around the 21st of December and shares traditions with Christmas. It’s a time for celebration, coming together and showering each other with love and appreciation (and gifts!).

I think we all feel the need for joy and treating one another right now. Times are hard. Let’s be thankful for each other.


Align Your Business with the Seasons

It’s hard to get in the planning spirit in deep winter, and for good reason. We’re in the season of rest, downing tools and nourishing ourselves.

This is a time of reflection. Consider:

  • What felt hard for you in your business in the last season?

  • What felt good, easy and/or exciting?

  • What do those answers tell you about your work?

  • Do you have any loose ends to tie up before you take a break? What can wait?


Ways to Celebrate

Make a wreath, circular centrepiece or crown to represent the wheel of the year itself. Use evergreens like holly, pine, mistletoe and ivy to represent everlasting life, and add seed heads to symbolise rebirth.

Fill your home with candles and lights to celebrate the return of the (hopefully!) brighter half of the year. Speak your intentions aloud into one of the flames, and let the candle burn all the way down.

Journal. Reflect on the year gone by, the months since the Summer Solstice, and, if it feels good, plan for the next half of the year.

Go star gazing. If we're lucky with the weather then the "Christmas Star" of Jupiter and Saturn will appear just above the southwest horizon just after sunset. Make a wish! You're never too old.

Get the kids involved and make a solstice lantern out of a tea light and your recycling! Pierce holes in tin cans, paste coloured tissue paper, ribbons or any remaining fallen leaves onto jam jars. Pop in a candle and hang with string or add to your solstice centrepiece.

Eat by candlelight. Make the most of the dark mornings and evenings before they brighten again and make your mealtimes feel extra special.


What is the Wheel of The Year?

Most people are familiar with the spring and autumn equinoxes, and summer and winter solstices which mark the four quarter points of the wheel of the year. These are the solar festivals, marking the high points of the seasons, but there are four lesser known fire festivals (or cross quarters) which mark each season's beginning - Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. So instead of dividing the year into 12 months, it is divided into eight sections - quarters and cross quarters.

People of different nature-based faiths celebrate the Wheel of the Year, including Pagans and Wiccans, and the festivals are influenced by folklore and ancient beliefs. I am not a religious person but have found following these celebrations a wonderful way to ground myself and a healthy reminder to change the way I work throughout the year.

I'd love to hear how you're celebrating this season? Do come and let me know on Instagram!


Inclusivity and Diversity in Small Businesses


Celebrating Samhain