Resting in Your Summer

This month's full moon is known as the Strawberry Moon, as this month the sweet berries begin to ripen (we've had a few from the garden already).

This lunar phase matches our Inner Summer for that peak of energy - a full soul illumination. It is seen as a great time to put ourselves out there and use that glow to promote ourselves and what we're working on, but Inner Summer isn't easy for all of us.

If you menstruate, Inner Summer is the ovulatory phase of your menstrual cycle. Hormones oestrogen and testosterone are peaking, and you get a heady dose of LH (Luteinising Hormone) as your body prepares to pop out an egg.

This season is championed as the time of showing up, being seen, of connection, socialisation, daring and confidence. Yet, over and over again I hear about how this can be the hardest phase of the cycle for people and I wonder how much of it is down to the high expectations and pressure we put on ourselves to be that glowing, summery version of ourselves.

I wanted to share some thoughts from Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, co-author of Wild Power and co-founder of Red School. Sjanie shared these thoughts on the challenges of this season during one of our Menstruality Leadership sessions last year:

"If there is trauma within us, the rising energy during Spring and Summer can strike a nerve. Meet that conflict with awareness and kindness."

- Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer 

A few prompts for your journal, or simply to reflect on:

  • What if this summer (outer and inner) you prioritised rest, saying no, and self care? 

  • What if you gave yourself the same grace that you do in winter when you feel sensitive or anxious?

This summer I wish you joy and fun, but I also wish you rest and ease and spaciousness. 


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