The Blog

Quick read posts around cyclical and seasonal living, sustainability, inclusivity, foraging, the wheel of the year, and aligning your business with your cycle.

We Should All Be Activists

I asked a couple of individuals about the plan and had some feedback that individuals might prefer doing this in the chat room rather than as a live call because they may be more private about their activism, may feel they are not doing enough, feel guilty, get "comparisonitis", or just feel that it's not for them because they don't consider themselves an activist.

So I thought I'd start by asking my community just that - do you consider yourself an activist? What does activism mean to you?

And now I’m asking you. Do you consider yourself an activist?

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Sustainability Jen Wright Sustainability Jen Wright

Sustainability and Reality

The state of our climate, the plastic in the ocean, the rise of the Earth’s temperature is NOT down to you as an individual consumer. Beyond being responsible with what we use, reuse and recycle, the biggest step is voting for a greener future.

I don’t just mean paying attention to environmental policies before you cast your actual vote (though please do this too). I mean vote with your time and your money and your wider choices.

Switch to a green energy supplier, write to your MP about your environmental concerns, boycott fast fashion and the largest global polluters. As long as we are buying, as long as we are quiet, companies don’t need to change their behaviour.

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