The Blog

Quick read posts around cyclical and seasonal living, sustainability, inclusivity, foraging, the wheel of the year, and aligning your business with your cycle.

Activism, Social Justice, Inclusivity Jen Wright Activism, Social Justice, Inclusivity Jen Wright

Ceasefire now: Educational resources to fuel your action

In this post I have focussed on educational resources because I am constantly enraged by the hugely biased reporting in western media, the messaging that if you want a ceasefire then you don’t know enough about the “complicated history”, and people feeling scared that to show support for Palestinian people is going to be seen as anti-semitic.

This post is especially for you if up until now you have believed the “it’s complicated” messaging or have stayed out of conversations and away from actions because you don’t think you know enough to have an opinion.

Guess what? You don’t need to know the history or have a political opinion to know that genocides are wrong! How about that!

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We Should All Be Activists

I asked a couple of individuals about the plan and had some feedback that individuals might prefer doing this in the chat room rather than as a live call because they may be more private about their activism, may feel they are not doing enough, feel guilty, get "comparisonitis", or just feel that it's not for them because they don't consider themselves an activist.

So I thought I'd start by asking my community just that - do you consider yourself an activist? What does activism mean to you?

And now I’m asking you. Do you consider yourself an activist?

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Inclusivity, Social Justice Jen Wright Inclusivity, Social Justice Jen Wright

Inclusivity and Diversity in Small Businesses

The Black Lives Matter movement and incredible global uprising over the last few weeks has taught me so much in a short time, and I am ashamed that I didn't seek out the information before the death of George Floyd. I've learned history that I should have been aware of, I learned about biases within myself that I was blind to, I learned how much good can be done when people stand together, and how much bad there is still to undo, to acknowledge, to make right.

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Small Business, Inclusivity, Social Justice Jen Wright Small Business, Inclusivity, Social Justice Jen Wright

Black Pound Day; Why It Is Down To Consumers to Support Black Businesses

June last year saw the first Black Pound Day trend across social media, make headlines across the UK, and make a not inconsiderable dent in my own bank balance.

Investing in small businesses is more important than ever this year, and investing in the Black community is down to all consumers.

It shouldn't take a single day each month to remind us of this. If you posted a black square on your Instagram feed last year, bought a book about racism (and maybe even read it?), made commitments to consider, learn from and support people who don't look like you, ask yourself - where are you spending your money? Who are you supporting in your day to day?

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